Monday, September 26, 2011

What is it that He wants you/me to know,this morning this day?

I want you to know that I love you
I want you to know , that I above All, "have your back", as they say
I want you to know that there is no one Above Me
I want you to know How I heal you
I want you to know how I have forgiven you, and forgive you
I want you to know you are My son and You are My daughter
I want you to know how I Miss you when you wander off
I want you to know that you can call,speak,shout,cry My name at Anytime
I want you to know that I have never and will never leave you
I want you to know that you can run into My outstretched arms at Anytime, at Anytime
I want you to know that it is NOT OVER between us,  It is always ON, we are always in Love,
we are always "good", as they say. Always, please believe that ,
I want you to know always, always believe that !
amen and amen

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