Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Best laid plans of mice and men

Best laid plans of mice and men
Yes our best laid plans,are they His best plans for us?  While we are planning and plotting the next steps, He steps in! Yes, He steps in -for He is the architect and He is the Weaver and His plans are the Best plans- That is not to say do nothing,proceed in prayer ,walk in prayer but remember it is Not set in stone-Then He walks in and will alert you to His plan and how it will go will be what He sees, and He orchestrates. Then we sit in amazement and astounded and then it is surreal that it comes together. That all resources show up. All people come into place;Everything that we need and surpassing our need comes and falls like  puzzle pieces together. Thank you, Father, Thank You for your plans , for Your purpose,  Amen (so be it), Amen and Amen  

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